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Gimp is a professional image design program for Windows and Mac computers - the latest information and downloads

   Hello, dear friends, in this topic, we offer you the Gimp professional image design program for Windows and Mac computers - the latest information and downloads

Information about Gimp, a professional image design program for Windows and Mac computers 

This program was not designed to be a copy of Photoshop, but this program is characterized by certain capabilities and is specialized in a specific field. Different pictures in one picture in an attractive and wonderful way. You will also be able to remove any unwanted things in the photo like frills or the like. You will also be able to easily modify the colors in the images and you will also have the ability to convert between different image formats, as there are many image and graphics formats that the program can handle all these formats without any problem, and not only that the program can design animated images called GIF and as we mentioned It was not designed to be a copy of Photoshop, but it differs greatly from this program, but any professional who can deal with this program can download GIMP 2021 and benefit from all its services that dispense with Photoshop. There is no doubt that at the beginning of its launch, Gimp was designed to be suitable for editing professionals.

Features of Gimp, a professional image design program for Windows and Mac computers 

  1. GIMP is 100% free without any fees
  2. Supports many languages, including Arabic
  3. Wide range of tools such as painting tools and polishing technique
  4. You can add brushes, gradients and patterns of your choice
  5. Supports many operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and OS
  6. You can open any number of photos at the same time (depending on your storage space)
  7. Supports all multi-layer images and all extensions
  8. Simple and easy to use and anyone without experience can use it smoothly
  9. Large selection of Photoshop-like selection tools, including paths
  10. Procedural database for calling internal GIMP functions
  11. All transform tools plus rotate, shear and scale
  12. More than 100 free ingredients have been added to GIMP

Disadvantages of Gimp, a professional image design program for Windows and Mac computers 

  • It needs experience as people who are new to the design world will have some difficulties using it.
  • The GIMP file format is not primarily used by designers, as PSD files are the most popular and widespread.

Operating Requirements Gimp Professional Photo Maker for PC Windows and Mac 

  • CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or higher.
  • RAM: 512MB or higher.
  • Disk storage space: 250 MB.
  • Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows XP, Linux, Mac OS X.

Links to download Gimp, the professional image design program for Windows and Mac 

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In conclusion, do not make this application, program, game and other matters of life and entertainment to delay you from prayer, remembrance of God, obedience to parents and closeness to family and friends, and we are innocent to God of any bad uses of what we offer or explain in our stores, channels and accounts, we offer it for people to benefit from it entertainment and work Not to be misused or completely distracted from the rest of the matters of life and religion.

Documentation of the golden reference for the subject:

Reference name (traidsoft) Reference link (.com-traidsoft)
Reference name ( designmixes ) Reference link ( .com- designmixes )
Reference name ( techdonia ) Reference link ( techdonia .com )
