Hello dear friends, in this topic we offer you a solution to the problem of sudden exit of iPhone applications
Solve the problem of sudden exit of iPhone applications
- Make sure your iPhone is updated to the latest version and that all your software is up to date. It is better to connect iTunes to the computer and update the device.
- Delete every program or application that you have not used for a long time and you will find them saved in your camel account.
- Delete all unused photos and videos or transfer them to your computer or cloud-based software such as Dropbox.
- Reducing the number of pages of programs on the screen and placing programs in folders so that the number of pages does not exceed 2-3 pages.
- After you have applied the former, restart the device, and do not fear, nothing will be deleted from the iPhone.
- The device should be turned off and turned on once or twice a day.
- If all of the above worked and the app still shuts down for no reason and suddenly gets out of your account, delete it permanently and re-download it. This is one of the best solutions to download an updated version of the app.
- Always close apps that are running in the background because they take up memory space and drain battery power.
- If you have Cydia, use icleaner, I used it and it worked for me.
- If you have #Cydia, delete the extra and non-original sources you downloaded that didn't come with Cydia and the extra tools you don't need and just download the important thing. Because it causes many problems.
- Duplicate programs and applications cause many problems. Avoid repetition.
Thank you, dear ones, for your kind follow-up. Follow us: @emad1saleh@.
In conclusion, do not let anything distract you from your religion, and do not use anything badly.
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